Vue is an open-source progressive framework that is designed to be incrementally adoptable, as the core library is focused around the view layer only. That being said it's more than capable of powering sophisticated Single Page Applications, Mobile Applications, and Desktop Applications with the help of modern tools. Unlike Facebook's React.js or Google's Angular.js, Vue.js is developed and financed solely from donations.
Since its initial release in 2014 Vue has seen a large growth as it becomes popular among the web development industry this is because it offers some nice benefits when compared to other frameworks.
Few points on why you should try Vue.js:
Reactivity: This is Vue's one of the most distinct features. Reactivity is a programming paradigm that allows us to adjust to changes in a declarative manner, this means that when you set a variable in Vue it will automatically update the user interface which in return makes state management simple and intuitive. Since Vue automatically updates the component this means the system knows precisely which components actually need to be re-rendered when the state changes. With the release of Vue 3, we now have even more control over the underlining reactivity system that powers Vue due to which removes the need for a whole class of performance optimization from the developer's plate and allow them to focus more on building the application itself.
Scalability and Flexibility: Vue is extremely flexible and scalable and it can be used for large applications as well as for small interactive parts to be integrated with different technology, in other words, it could be anything you need it to be either just a library in your project or a fully-featured framework used to build an entire product.
Standardized tools: Before I started using Vue I would frequently get frustrated with the number of choices I had when creating a project Vue provides official support for several essential add-ons including Vue-router for client-side routing, Vuex for state management, Vue test utils for unit testing, Vue devtools browser extension for debugging and Vue CLI for creating project boilerplate and are the recommended defaults.
Developer Experience: Developers love Vue.js not just because it's a great technology but because it was made with them in mind. Vue CLI mentioned in the above point, which is a handy tool for creating a Vue project using whatever tools you choose from the CLI. The CLI is much more flexible compared to similar offerings from competitors and provides a lot of pre-configured steps additionally there is a GUI available for the same. Other factors devs love about Vue.js:
- Easy learning curve (This allows newcomers to quickly catch on with just HTML, CSS, and JS knowledge)
- Intuitive API
- Elegant programming style and patterns
- Good documentation
- Fast Performance
Composition API: Vue 3 now offers the Composition API. It is new to interact with the Vue's reactivity system, it provides some major benefits over the Options API:
- It allows to extract common use cases into reusable functions and then call them in different components a nice example of this is the Vue use library which provides some common composition functions you would need when building any type of application.
- It allows for easy separation of concern this means we can group common operations together that are related, this way when a developer comes to look at the code they know exactly where to find what they are looking for unlike mixins from Vue 2.
Popularity: With 182K Github stars(while writing this post), Vue is inarguably the most popular JavaScript framework. Many well-known companies have web apps made with Vue.js. Vue users include: Gitlab, Trivago, Euronews, Adobe Portfolio, Behance, Alibaba, Trustpilot, Vice, Nintendo, BMW, Louis Vuitton, Zoom, UpWork, Google(they use Vue for their career page), and many other companies started to use Vue.js.
Conclusion: Overall I really enjoy working with Vue.js when it comes to building an interface I spend less time wrestling with configuration APIs and worrying about re-renders that I actually get to spend time on the things I enjoy. So if you are considering creating a new project and you don't know which framework to use then I highly recommend Vue.js and I hope the reasons that we went over helps reinforce what I am trying to say.
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